This represents the strongly-typed equivalent of the command line options, with the strong types expressed as F# discriminated unions. It is not recommented for consumption from C# code.
public static class TypeSafe
name | description |
class CollectOptions | Command line options for AltCover Runner |
class CommandArgument | Corresponds to a value after -- on the command line |
abstract class CommandLine | Corresponds to the values after -- on the command line |
abstract class Context | Corresponds to a collection of context entries |
abstract class ContextItem | Corresponds to a context value |
abstract class DirectoryPath | Corresponds to a directory |
abstract class DirectoryPaths | Corresponds to a collection of directories |
class FilePath | Corresponds to a file or executable tool |
abstract class FilePaths | Corresponds to a collection of files |
abstract class FilterItem | Corresponds to a filter entry |
abstract class Filters | Corresponds to a collection of filter entries |
abstract class Flag | Corresponds to a yes/no choice |
class Package | Corresponds to a cobertura package source root |
abstract class Packages | Corresponds to a collection of cobertura package source roots |
class PrepareOptions | Command line options for AltCover |
class ReportFormat | Corresponds to the desired format of the XML report |
class StaticFormat | Corresponds to a an option for treating trivial methods |
class SummaryFormat | Corresponds to a summary format choice |
abstract class Threshold | Corresponds desired coverage threshold |
class Thresholds | Corresponds to the set of options available for coverage thresholds; zero values are ignored |