
namespace AltCover

namespace AltCover

module OpenCover

  module OpenCover = begin
    val PostProcess :
      document:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument -> ordinal:BranchOrdinal -> unit

Updates summary and related coverage-derived data based on visit counts. Argument ordinal indicates which XML attribute should be used to associate branches with sequence points.

    val FormatFromCoverlet :
      report:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument ->
        files:string array -> System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Adds summary data and other items to report in coverlet’s OpenCover dialect, particularly giving somewhat meaningful start and end column values for its line-based paradigm, as well as npath coverage and branch exits. Arguments files indicates the assemblies used in the report, which are used to provide sopme of the missing information.

    val CompressBranching :
      document:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument ->
        withinSequencePoint:bool -> sameSpan:bool -> System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Takes output from the OpenCover program, and adjust from OpenCover’s liberal idea of significant branches towards AltCover’s more restricted approach – chose either or both of sameSpan to unify branches that go from the same start, and take the same trajectory to the same end (OpenCover issue #786 being one instance of this) and withinSequencePoint to remove branches interior to a statement (compiler generated things like stashing of lambdas, the hidden conditional Dispose() after a using, or inside F# inlines – OpenCover issues #657, #807 being instances of this).

    val Merge :
      documents:System.Xml.Linq.XDocument seq -> System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Takes a set of OpenCover reports and creates a composite. It handles both strict (OpenCover, AltCover --reportFormat=OpenCover) and more relaxed (coverlet, ConvertFrom-CoverageJson, Write-OpenCoverDerivedState -Coverlet) interpretations of the format, which may lead to a not-quite strict result. Note – Module records are merged only if their hash values match, so output from different builds and possibly different source will be kept distinct.

    val JsonToXml :
      document:string -> System.Xml.Linq.XDocument

Takes JSON output from coverlet or AltCover’s own native JSON format and converts it to a minimal OpenCover style XML document. ```