APIs for use with build scripting tools are provided in the AltCover.Cake.dll
and AltCover.Fake.dll
assemblies, which are present in the AltCover.Api
nuget package
Fake versions are normally supported for six months after release (when Fake itself deprecates old versions), but deprecation of older versions is not eager. Cake version support is based on actual semantic API versioning, with the intent of going as far back as can be compatible with supporting the current release. Check the AltCover release notes to see how far back support actually extends : see here and here.
NOTE: dotnet SDK v7.0.100 requires special treatment for driving AltCover through dotnet test
. See here and here.
Found in AltCover.Fake.dll
Detailed API documentation is presented here.
dotnet test
API Fake.DotNet.DotNet.test
Driving dotnet test
in a Fake script
In the project(s) to be covered, insert at least
<PackageReference Include="altcover.api" Version="<whatever>">
with the relevant script fragment (based on the AltCover build script here)
#i "nuget: https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json"
#r "nuget: AltCover.Api"
#r "nuget: Fake.DotNet.Cli"
let ForceTrue =
AltCover.DotNet.CLIOptions.Force true
let p =
{ AltCover.Primitive.PrepareOptions.Create() with
CallContext = [| "[Fact]"; "0" |]
AssemblyFilter = [| "xunit" |] }
let prepare =
AltCover.AltCover.PrepareOptions.Primitive p
let c =
let collect =
AltCover.AltCover.CollectOptions.Primitive c
open AltCover.Fake.DotNet // extension method WithAltCoverOptions
(fun to' -> to'.WithAltCoverOptions prepare collect ForceTrue)
Applies to Cake 2.0 and up (with harmless warnings if used with Cake 3.0 or later)
Found in AltCover.Cake.dll
Detailed API documentation is presented here.
dotnet test
API DotNetTest
In the test project(s), insert at least
<PackageReference Include="altcover.api" Version="<whatever>">
In your .cake
file include
#addin "nuget:?package=Microsoft.TestPlatform.ObjectModel&Version=16.1.1"
#addin "nuget:?package=PowerShellStandard.Library&Version=5.1.0"
#addin "nuget:?package=altcover.api&Version=<whatever>"
#addin "nuget:?package=altcover.cake&Version=<whatever>"
the first two needed to silence warnings.
Implement the needed interfaces (as documented here) e.g. by overriding the default types
which have empty or false
values for all relevant properties, changing values as required e.g.
class MyPrepareOptions : AltCover.Cake.PrepareOptions
public string ReportName { get; set; }
// here, for sake of example, reportDirectory being a script parameter
public override string Report => Path.Combine (reportDirectory, ReportName);
public override IEnumerable<string> CallContext => new string[] {"[Fact]", "0"};
public override System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel Verbosity => System.Diagnostics.TraceLevel.Verbose;
then your test-with-coverage phase looks like
// do any required customizations here such as
var prep = new MyPrepareOptions() {
ReportName = "coverage.build.cake." + cakeversion +".xml"
var altcoverSettings = new AltCover.Cake.CoverageSettings {
PreparationPhase = prep,
CollectionPhase = new CollectOptions(),
Options = new TestOptions()
var testSettings = new DotNetTestSettings {
Configuration = configuration,
NoBuild = true,
// mix-in the AltCover coverage settings explicitly
testSettings.ArgumentCustomization = altcoverSettings.Concatenate(testSettings.ArgumentCustomization);
// test using the default alias
DotNetTest("./_DotnetTest/cake_dotnettest.fsproj", testSettings);
As the AltCover.Cake
assembly targets Cake 2.0 and netcoreapp3.1 for compatibility, when used for Cake 3.0 there will be harmless warnings like
The assembly 'AltCover.Cake, Version=[whatever], Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null'
is referencing an older version of Cake.Core (2.0.0).
For best compatibility it should target Cake.Core version 3.0.0.
but there will be no warnings about obsolescent types or methods being used.